Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And some more...

She gets her point across... and yes, we thoroughly enjoy baby talk in this house. We're not ashamed of it either!

Stinky blogger.

So last week I worked for HOURS on a very well written (if I must say so myself) blog... No pics, just writing but I worked really hard on it. Then I tried to upload a video... which proved to be catastrophic. The upload took FOREVER, so I let my computer just sit and do it's thing for a few hours... When I came back, the video was still not uploaded, and formatting was screwed up. So... I tried to copy/paste to a word document... and "POOF", my blog was gone. And it's still gone.

So - this morning just trying the video. I have tons to put up here, because Rae has become SO funny and interactive. She's going to be a talker... as if that surprises anybody!!

Here is one of many... And please ignore the obnoxious dogs in the background.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We have rolls!

Little Rae... literally, very little. Yes, she was over 6 lbs at birth, but I swear I just have a muscle bound daughter, because she was TINY... Her newborn clothes were GINORMOUS, and she barely fit in her seemingly GINORMOUS carseat.

Yes, her arms are in there somewhere...

Our wonderful nurse who bossed me around and taught me how to burp, change clothes (lol), and swaddle. We loved her.

And seriously, her little legs were so skinny! They said she was a bit early, so she didn't have time to get too chubby... but I do believe I have seen some baby pics of her daddy (if I remember correctly he was wearing roller skates) where his legs looked just like this! And her pacifier is bigger than her head.

She grew pretty quickly... doctor said she's gained about an ounce a day, which is wonderful. She's in the 7-8th percentile in height... which also makes me laugh. And she's still so tiny in that big chair! This picture also makes me laugh... the kid did NOT sleep longer than 15 minutes for quite some time, unless she was being held (which was lovely but exhausting) or unless she was in the Boppy. We have 3 boppies, thanks to my Mom and Aunt Kristi. THANK GOD FOR THE BOPPIES.

We had some very brave friends make the trek from Omaha... floods and all. This is their sweet little girl, only two weeks older than Rae. She was a tiny thing too! And notice the highwater jean shorts... they are my absolute fav. Of course, even as I'm writing this (at almost 10 weeks old), she is still wearing them. I have a million cutie 0-3 month SUMMER outfits, and I swear I'll be shoving her in them in October lol.

So before I had Rae I became OBSESSED with the Baby Bargains book (Thank you Grandma Lilly!). The book has all the baby items you'll ever need, and it compares and contrasts where to get them, and which items get the best ratings, etc. Well, our chair got great ratings... it is built to last much longer than other chairs because it is so BIG and it grows along with the child. Except I didn't think about the fact that my husband was born at 5 lbs and I was a little one myself... so we swim in this chair. We sink and sink and sink until we are almost out. Very funny indeed.

We do love this chair... Rae takes after her Daddy and watches TV with us. Very funny. I swear, she is a pretty darn happy baby... She gets hungry and she doesn't like pee in her diaper, but pretty much the rest of the time she is sweet and happy and so so cute. She is smiling and laughing and squawking to herself pretty much most of the day. So fun!

And our most recent pic... Aunt Megan came over yesterday and hung out with baby Rae... fed her and played with her until she zonked. She's still tiny (hoping she's over 10 lbs now), and still very short. She's still wearing most of her newborn clothes, and I STILL love those highwater jeans shorts. BUT... we finally have rolls!