Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stinky blogger.

So last week I worked for HOURS on a very well written (if I must say so myself) blog... No pics, just writing but I worked really hard on it. Then I tried to upload a video... which proved to be catastrophic. The upload took FOREVER, so I let my computer just sit and do it's thing for a few hours... When I came back, the video was still not uploaded, and formatting was screwed up. So... I tried to copy/paste to a word document... and "POOF", my blog was gone. And it's still gone.

So - this morning just trying the video. I have tons to put up here, because Rae has become SO funny and interactive. She's going to be a talker... as if that surprises anybody!!

Here is one of many... And please ignore the obnoxious dogs in the background.


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